Monthly Archives: May 2017

I had the rare opportunity to explore the catwalk, above the rafters at The Paramount and experience the Wurlitzer.

Paramount drums

I was able to climb the steep ladders, crawl over the top of the ceiling, 4 floors above the stage, walk the catwalk and see all of the amazing instruments that are played when the Wurlitzer is engaged inside The Paramount theater.  The Wurlitzer is an amazing organ, only a few are left in the world.  There is one at The Paramount in Seattle.  When the Wurlitzer keys are pressed on the organ, air currents are shuttled throughout the theater, forcing the individual instruments to play, such as drums, horns, dulciana, chrysoglot and even a harp.  The sound comes through the louvers in the wall so that the entire theater reverberates as if an orchestra were playing.  It was a wonderful experience and this instrument and the organ itself, as well as the theater, are a marvel of technology and history, even though they were invented and built 100 years ago!  I have a new love and respect for both.

Paramount horns

Thanks Phil, the caretaker, for this great experience!

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Kindness Matters

Kindness matters.  I was going to get on the train the other morning and the station where I scan my card before boarding the train had a rock on top of it.  On this rock was painted, “Kindness Matters.”  I have included a picture of it.

Kindness does matter.  In this day and age when everyone is so selfish and spoiled with instant gratification, this is a good time to stop and be kind to someone, put someone else before yourself, give instead of receiving and remember that we are all a part of the human race.  The purpose of our race is to take care of each other.



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Thanks to everyone who made Upstream a success!

This was a great event, bringing together hundreds of bands, sponsors, art, performers, culture and artists to raise money for arts and culture in Seattle.

I want to thank everyone from the Seattle Sounders to Bold Hat productions for all that they have organized and contributed.  Thanks to everyone for all that they contributed to this great event and I look forward to participating in this again next year!


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Be grateful for your senses!

Be grateful for your senses and all of the wonderful experiences you enjoy because of them.  Think of all the wonderful tastes and textures you experience with your mouth.  Enjoy all of the wonders you see with your eyes and music yout hear.

Smell the wonders of nature and luxuriate in your touch.  Never forget it is a wonder and privilege to be human.


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